Jan Perry Evenstad, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus Metropolitan State University of Denver. She has over thirty years of experience in working with Federal Equity Assistance Centers, recently as the Executive Director of the Western Educational Equity Assistance Center (WEEAC) located at Metropolitan State University of Denver. The WEEAC, one of four regional centers funded by the US Department of Education to provided technical assistance on civil rights in K-12 education. Jan has work experience in educational equity having worked with three Equity Assistance Centers and the Colorado Department of Education on race and gender equity. She holds the rank of Emeritus Professor at Metropolitan State University of Denver in the Department of Secondary Education and Educational Technology. Jan is one of the co-founders of the Colorado Chapter of (National Association of Multicultural Educators) NAME and a current co-chair and treasurer. Currently she is a board member for ATIXA. Her areas of research and work in professional development have been in race and gender equity, Title IX, Indian Education, bullying and sexual harassment. She was a national trainer for GESA (Generating Expectations for Student Achievement) and SAGE (Student Achievement Grounded in Equity) and is trained in; SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol), Olweus Bully Prevention Program (OBPP), and Aggressor Victims and Bystanders. Jan has published in the areas of Indian Education, Title IX and Multicultural Education.