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April 7-11, 2025
Investigator in Practice Focus Week

  • Date
    April 7-11, 2025
  • Location

The Investigator in Practice Focus Week is designed for higher education professionals, whether full- or part-time, who investigate complaints related to sex- and gender-based violence, harassment, and discrimination. This comprehensive week provides participants with the critical competencies to conduct sensitive, impartial, and thorough interviews and investigations that result in fair, well-informed decisions. Attendees will gain expertise in interpreting policy language and the essential roles that investigations, investigators, and investigation reports play in the Title IX Resolution Process. By the end of the week, participants will be equipped with the confidence and professionalism needed to address complex cases with precision and integrity.

Investigator in Practice Focus Week Offerings: (Attend one, multiple, or all courses!)

  • Investigation Foundations Level One: Policy, Procedures, and the Resolution Process for Higher Education – April 7-8
  • Applying Policies in Investigations & Determinations Workshop –  April 9
  • Interviewing Minors Seminar – April 9
  • Investigation Foundations Level Two: Investigation Skills & Report Writing for Higher Education – April 10-11

Learn About Multi-Registration Discounts

Registering for multiple courses or multiple participants is a great way to save.

Register yourself or your team for two to four courses and receive a 15% discount; register for five or more and receive a 25% discount. Contact to apply this discount to your order prior to submitting payment.

What’s a Focus Week?

Designed as an a la carte event, a focus week offers the flexibility to choose the courses that best suit your needs. Whether you prefer to attend a single session or multiple, each course stands alone while complementing the others to provide a well-rounded learning opportunity. This tailored approach allows participants to focus on the areas most relevant to their roles, ensuring a personalized and impactful training outcome.

To view the pricing for individual courses, select Click here to learn more in the course’s short description within the schedule.


Investigation Foundations Level One: Policy, Procedures, and the Resolution Process for Higher Education

10:00am-5:00pm ET (Both Days)

Investigation Foundations Level One: Policy, Procedures, and the Resolution Process for Higher Education is the initial course in ATIXA’s investigator curriculum for investigators, deputies, and Title IX Coordinators looking to acquire the fundamental skills necessary to conduct sexual harassment, violence, and sex discrimination investigations. Expert faculty members will guide participants through an in-depth exploration of each phase of an investigation as prescribed by the Title IX Formal Grievance Process, including additional relevant topics for each phase.

The concepts and investigation structure taught in this course are consistent with the 2020 Title IX Regulations and can be applied to the full range of Title IX-based allegations. Participants will examine the key components of the investigation process and the investigator’s role at each stage.

In combination with the included Title IX Fundamentals online learning experience, Investigation Foundations meets both the Title IX and VAWA Section 304 training requirements for participants and details best practices for success as a full-time or part-time investigator.

Click here to learn more.

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Applying Policy in Investigations & Determinations Workshop

10:00am-2:00pm ET

Title IX team members must deeply understand the Title IX policy-based offense definitions of their district, school, or institution. This includes complex legal constructs and terms of art. Deconstructing an offense definition into its component elements (parsing) is critical to effectively serving as an investigator or decision-maker, roles that must understand the process of converting policies into models of proof.

Participants will practice breaking down policy language into critical elements and using those elements to guide their analysis. ATIXA’s expert faculty members will demonstrate how to use policy deconstruction tools to provide clear insights into the tasks required during each phase of the formal grievance process. Click here to learn more.

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Interviewing Minors Seminar

3:00pm-5:00pm ET

As a Title IX professional, one of the most challenging tasks is interviewing minors involved in investigations as parties or witnesses. Communicating with children appropriately, while considering their linguistic and developmental abilities, is crucial. Additionally, minors may find it challenging to express themselves, especially to an unfamiliar adult. Parents and guardians often insist on being there, and certain states require their permission to interview a minor.

To help overcome these challenges, this seminar will provide participants with the best practices and tools to create safe and trauma-informed environments for interviewing minors. It will include techniques for discussing sensitive or graphic behaviors, selecting an appropriate setting, and the role of advisors, parents, and guardians. ATIXA faculty members will also share suggestions for interview question wording and how to give clear instructions before starting an interview. Participants will listen to and analyze recorded interviews and discuss their feedback with the group. Click here to learn more.

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Investigation Foundations Level Two: Investigation Skills & Report Writing for Higher Education

10:00am-5:00pm ET (Both Days)

Investigation Foundations Level Two: Investigation Skills & Report Writing for Higher Education focuses on improving interviewing techniques and post-interview tasks such as credibility assessment, information synthesis, and clear report writing.

Participants will review a sample investigation report to guide their understanding of report writing mechanics, format, and structure. Additionally, registrants will engage in various interactive learning activities to practice their skills and receive feedback from ATIXA’s experts.

Click here to learn more.

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Event Speakers

FAQs / Find Your Answers

There are scholarships available for the Investigator in Practice Focus Week. Scholarship applications can be submitted on a rolling basis up to the opening date of the event. If your application is approved, you will be notified within 2 weeks after your application has been submitted.

To apply, click here.

ATIXA Member Rates

  • One-day Higher Education Courses
    • Regular – $799.00
    • Last Chance – $889.00
  • Two-day Higher Education Courses
    • Regular – $1,509.00
    • Last Chance – $1,679.00
  • Workshop
    • Regular – $419.00
    • Last Chance – $469.00

ATIXA Non-Member Rates

  • One-day Higher Education Courses
    • Regular – $999.00
    • Last Chance – $1,099.00
  • Two-day Higher Education Courses
    • Regular – $1,879.00
    • Last Chance – $2,069.00
  • Workshop
    • Regular – $529.00
    • Last Chance – $579.00

The pricing above is effective if purchased today. Our Regular Pricing is available until March 24, 2025. Following the Regular Pricing period, Last Chance Pricing will be in effect until the start date of the event.

Multi-Course Discounted Rates:

  • 1st grouped individual – full price of registration
  • 2-4 grouped individuals – 15% discount on registrations
  • 5+ grouped individuals – 25% discount on registrations

Please create your order, click the “Pay Later” option upon checkout, and reach out to for discounts to be applied.

Courses provide 2 recertification credits (CCCs) towards any actively held certification. To learn more, click here.

Once you register, you will have access to the ATIXA Event Lobby. The lobby contains all materials for your course.

The zoom link and course slides will be accessible 3 days prior to the start of your course. Please note you have access to the ATIXA Event Lobby from the point of registration through 3-months post-seminar.

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