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September 23-26, 2024
2020 Regulations Refocus Week for Higher Education

  • Date
    September 23-26, 2024
  • Location

Join ATIXA’s virtual 2020 Regulations Refocus Week for Higher Education, dedicated to compliance training tailored to the 2020 Regulations. This focus week features dynamic certification courses led by expert faculty members, designed for new practitioners, those in states with injunctions on the 2024 Regulations, or anyone needing a refresher on managing incidents predating August 1, 2024 (governed by the 2020 Regulations). View ATIXA’s 2024 Title IX Regulations Injunction Tracker to track developments in your state and nationwide.

Participants will gain foundational knowledge of roles and responsibilities while exploring complex topics such as informal resolution processes, athletics compliance, coordination, investigations, and decision-making in higher education settings. Enhance your expertise from any location this summer with our engaging virtual courses. Don’t miss the opportunity to certify yourself and be prepared for all regulatory frameworks.

2020 Regulations Refocus Week for Higher Education will feature:

  • Title IX Decision-Making for Higher Education (2020 Regulations)
  • Title IX Coordinator Foundations: Sex-Based Harassment for Higher Education (2020 Regulations)
  • Title IX Coordinator Foundations: Gender Equity for Higher Education (2020 Regulations)
  • Investigation Foundations for Higher Education (2020 Regulations)

Learn About Multi-Registration Discounts

Registering for multiple courses or multiple participants is a great way to save. Registrations of two to four courses are eligible for a 15% discount, and five or more registrations qualify for a 25% discount. Upon checkout, select the Pay Later option and reach out to for discounts to be applied.


Title IX Decision-Making for Higher Education (2020 Regulations)

Monday, September 23, 2024 | 11:00am-6:00pm ET

This course is focused on cultivating the skills and insights needed to successfully serve as a hearing officer and decision-maker for Title IX complaints. This training meets the requirements under Title IX and VAWA Section 304 to help decision-makers recognize and overcome bias and ensure equity for all parties.

For individuals serving as hearing chairs, panelists, single decision-makers, administrative hearing facilitators, and party advisors, this training will underscore decision-making skills so that decisions are sound, supportable, and less susceptible to future challenges, such as in litigation.

Click here to learn more.

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Title IX Coordinator Foundations: Sex-Based Harassment for Higher Education (2020 Regulations)

Monday, September 23-Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 11:00am-6:00pm ET

This course provides practitioners with a foundational knowledge of policies, procedures, and trauma-informed practices that are compliant with Title IX and the Clery Act/VAWA Section 304, as well as other applicable intersecting laws, and offers an in-depth exploration of ATIXA’s recommended formal grievance resolution process and practices.

In combination with the included 2020 Title IX Fundamentals online pre-learning experience, Sex-Based Harassment Foundations meets both the Title IX and VAWA Section 304 training requirements for participants and explores programmatic excellence related to Sex-Based Harassment prevention and response in higher education.

Click here to learn more.

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Title IX Coordinator Foundations: Gender Equity for Higher Education (2020 Regulations)

Wednesday, September 25-Thursday September 26, 2024 | 11:00am-6:00pm ET

This course focuses on sex discrimination compliance responsibilities. It covers the assessment of overall program equity and provides introductions to athletics equity, pregnancy and related conditions requirements, and LGBTQIA+ protections.

ATIXA’s expert faculty members will guide participants through ATIXA’s model formal grievance process from a sex/gender discrimination complaint perspective. Discussions will also cover how institutions can center resolutions that involve disparate treatment and impact, including targeted culture/climate assessments and investigations. Lastly, the course will address what institutions can expect when the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) reviews their program equity compliance and how to develop a plan to complete gender equity audits regularly.

Click here to learn more.

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Investigation Foundations for Higher Education (2020 Regulations)

Wednesday, September 25-Thursday September 26, 2024 | 11:00am-6:00pm ET

This course equips individuals with the essential skills to carry out investigations of sex- and gender-based violence, harassment, and discrimination complaints. It also includes a comprehensive examination of the Title IX Formal Grievance Process and the role that the investigation, investigator, and investigation report play in it. Participants can easily customize the concepts and investigation framework to investigations under other civil rights laws, such as Title VI, Title VII, the ADA, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

In addition, the course offers the 2020 Title IX Fundamentals online pre-learning experience that satisfies both Title IX and VAWA Section 304 training requirements for participants.

Click here to learn more.

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Multi registration discounts are provided on a sliding scale based on the applicable registrations on the same order.

Individualized discounts are as follows:

  • 1st registration – full price of registration
  • 2-4 registrations – 15% discount per line item
  • 5+ registrations – 25% discounted per line item

Please create your order, click the ‘Pay Later’ option upon checkout, and reach out to for the discounts to be applied.

There are scholarships available for the 2020 Regulations Refocus Week for Higher Education. Scholarship applications must be submitted by August 30, 2024.

If your application is approved, you will be notified via email 2 weeks prior to your course start date. To apply, click here.

Those attending a certification course will receive a certification for the course as well as recertifying credits (CCCs) for any current certification for a 2-year time period.

All our courses will receive a digital badge denoting completion.

Once you register, you will have access to the ATIXA Event Lobby. The lobby contains all materials for your course.

The zoom link and course slides will be accessible 3 days prior to the start of your course. Please note you have access to the ATIXA Event Lobby from the point of registration through 3-months post-course and workshop.

The 2024 Regulations bring significant changes, granting Recipients more discretion in structuring their Title IX complaint resolution process. The scope of sex discrimination is further clarified, and Recipient jurisdiction is expanded to cover behaviors within the Recipient’s disciplinary authority, as well as the downstream effects of out-of-program conduct. The 2024 Regulations also place greater emphasis on training all employees on Title IX obligations, including reporting and information-sharing responsibilities. Additionally, they introduce specific requirements for supporting individuals who are pregnant or experiencing related conditions.

Understanding the 2020 regulatory compliance requirements is crucial for all Title IX practitioners. Due to the non-retroactive nature of the 2024 Regulations, ATIXA will continue to offer training and resources specific to the 2020 Regulations. You can access 2020-compliant trainings, 2024-compliant trainings, or both, as needed. ATIXA is committed to supporting you through these evolving times, regardless of which regulatory framework (2020 or 2024) applies. We especially encourage those new to the Title IX field or transitioning roles, especially in states with injunctions against enforcement of the 2024 Regulations, to enroll in a 2020 course now. A refresher is highly recommended if it’s been over a year since your last ATIXA training. Additionally, frequent turnover in the field often leads to gaps in staffing the Title IX Coordinator role. If your institution’s Coordinator role has had a recent lapse in coverage, sending a team member to a 2020 Regulations course will ensure compliance with the appropriate framework for incidents occurring within the 2020-2024 timeframe.

Practitioners in states that are not anticipating an injunction against the 2024 Regulations and those who want to prepare for potential implementation of the 2024 Regulations. Many of ATIXA’s trainings are applicable to both the 2020 and 2024 Regulations.

The 2020 Regulations cover any incidents of Sexual Harassment (as defined by Section 106.30) occurring before August 1, 2024. Incidents of Sex Discrimination that are not Sexual Harassment may be resolved by either the process in place for Sex Discrimination allegations at the time of the incident or at the time of the complaint.

Incidents of Sex Discrimination, including Sex-Based Harassment and Retaliation, occurring on or after August 1, 2024.

For those in states affected by the injunctions, it’s important to note that any plans to move away from live hearings or to a model where your Investigator or Coordinator is also your Decision-maker may be disrupted. This change may not happen in the short term or at all.

Please consult your legal counsel. ATIXA’s position is that Title IX has long protected sexual orientation and gender identity to the extent that such forms of discrimination typically rely on sex stereotypes or characteristics. In that sense, the 2024 Regulations were not so much an expansion of Title IX as a clarification of its scope. However, this interpretation may continue to conflict with some state laws, so you must engage your attorneys regarding the implications, risks, and go-forward plans. Complying with state law could still get you sued under Title IX whether or not the 2024 Regulations go into effect. If you cannot prepare to comply with the 2024 Regulations in advance, you still may benefit from having a plan for implementing training, policies, and procedures as quickly as possible if you need to do so. Stay informed and prepared by viewing ATIXA’s 2024 Title IX Regulations Injunction Tracker.

Under the assumption that the 2024 Regulations may not take effect on August 1, if at all, the existing need for Resolution Support Services (RSS) remains. This means that under the 2020 Regulations, live hearings and separate investigations will still be required. Many institutions may benefit from hiring external consultants like TNG Consulting (ATIXA’s parent company). We have a deep bench of expert consultants and partners to manage live hearings, investigations, and decision-making for you.

If your existing need requires more comprehensive complaint resolution, TNG offers The FAIR Center—a wraparound solution to support institutions with case management, investigations, resolutions (formal and informal), and comprehensive interim staffing for all your office and team needs. With TNG’s expertise, you can be confident that your complaint resolution process will exemplify professionalism and fairness. The uncertainty in the field will prompt schools and institutions to consider both RSS and The FAIR Center when making staffing decisions.

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