Why did you become a member of ATIXA and why have you remained a member to this day?
I wanted to learn more about Title IX especially after the DCL of April 4, 2011. I had been a member of NCHERM (now TNG Consulting), so I was familiar with the founding professionals. I remain a member of ATIXA because I have found the information to be the most accurate training anyone could receive. The presenters have such a wealth of knowledge and strive to continue to work with the Office for Civil Rights in order to better support those in the field of Title IX. Never once have I felt discouraged, disappointed by a training, webinar, or informal interactions with the ATIXA team. If it weren’t for ATIXA, I don’t believe I would still be in the Title IX field!
What is a challenge you face doing Title IX work?
One of the most challenges within Title IX that I face professionally is providing enough training, educational opportunities, and programs for [primarily] students, faculty, and staff in order to help end sexual harassment, sexual violence, and discrimination. If I could wave my magic wand, prior to enrolling in a student’s first semester of college, they would need to take a required course on healthy relationships and how others perceive their actions.
What is a successful achievement you have had doing Title IX work?
I was very instrumental in creating the first sexual misconduct policy university-wide for faculty, staff, and students.
What is an ATIXA resource or tool that has aided you?
1P2P was just the beginning for me! This document changed my life as a professional.
What is the value of ATIXA membership for you?
It’s priceless. I cannot imagine doing Title IX work without ATIXA.
How has ATIXA helped you to be a better professional?
ATIXA has assisted me in becoming confident in my work. It’s given me access to additional knowledge of legal aspects and insight into OCR.
What is one way you practice self-care doing such intense work?
I take time for myself whether it be getting my nails done or going for rides on my Harley; self-care is priceless. I am very lucky to have awesome colleagues that I am able to rely on as well.
What is one piece of advice you would offer your fellow practitioners?
As a professional, I would encourage others to understand themselves in the sense of knowing where they stand on issues around morals, values, and belief systems. If we are not able to put ourselves in check, it is challenging to really be open-minded to the experience that someone else has had. Non-judgemental is the way to be!