What is a challenge you face doing Title IX work?
The most difficult aspect to this work for me as a victim advocate is the fact that adjudicative systems (both on campus and the criminal justice system) rarely meet the needs of trauma survivors.
What is a successful achievement you have had doing Title IX work?
I created the Survivor Support Network, a program in which hundreds of UVA faculty, staff and students took a 3-hour training on these issues. At the time of my retirement, the university was well on its way toward becoming a trauma-informed community.
What is the value of ATIXA membership for you?
Connections to others working in the field, participating in the national effort to improve how educational institutions address gender-based violence.
What is one way you practice self-care doing such intense work?
Art and writing are important parts of my life–I work in various media. Also gardening brings me joy.
What is one piece of advice you would offer your fellow practitioners?
Self-care is essential to sustaining oneself in this work. The trick is in developing a reasonable plan and then doing what you can to stick to it. Even if you don’t do everything on your list, one or two regular practices can make a huge difference in maintaining one’s wellness.
Why did you become a member of ATIXA?
The organization has done some good work around the country, and I am glad to be part of the group that has a voice in its work.