Below is a list of ATIXA’s past webinars and virtual training events that are available for purchase! Interested in more than one? All live training and webinars are included in the cost of ATIXA Super Membership – consider upgrading your membership or joining here!
eTraining Certification Courses
Access the best in Title IX professional development opportunities with our newest mode of learning, eTraining. eTraining is ATIXA’s new, self-directed mode of learning.
ATIXA Title IX Advisors Certification On Demand Package
ATIXA Advisor Certification is a fully modular, on-demand online course. Take it whenever you want, in any order, one module at a time, or take all six modules at once. Total training time is 5.5 hours.
ATIXA 2021 Annual Virtual Conference On Demand Package
The On Demand Recording Package is available for Pre-Purchase and will be in available by October 29, 2021. Please note, the recording package will not include Roundtables and Receptions.
Collegiate Athletics Focused: Compliance in COVID Times On Demand Package
This on-demand recording is included for Super Members.
K-12 Athletics Focused: Compliance in COVID Times On Demand Package
This on-demand recording is included for Super Members.
SPOO or Not SPOO? That is the Question Webinar On Demand Package
This recording features our team of ATIXA experts, engaging participants in a discussion around the difficulty of assessing the SPOO (severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive) standard under the 2020 Title IX Regulations. Ten case studies were presented and participants weigh in on “SPOO or NOT SPOO?” This on-demand recording is included for Super Members.
Title IX Basics for Independent Schools On Demand Package
A customized training program for K-12 Civil Rights Title IX Training. We have modified our standard Certification course into a specialized learning experience training.
Title IX New Year’s Resolutions On-Demand Webinar
This webinar is included for Super & Premium Members
Virtual Hearing Best Practices-Tips from Practitioners Webinar On Demand Package
Three Title IX Coordinators Elizabeth Trayner, Ed. D., Melissa Nichols and Emily C. Babb who are long-time ATIXA members present a webinar on the best practices they have learned from conducting dozens of online virtual Title IX hearings. This webinar is included for Super & Premium Members
Violence Risk Assessment for Title IX Webinar On Demand Package
Our expert panel draws from their expertise in Title IX, law enforcement, psychology, and violence risk assessment to help those tasked with this work to better understand the process.
Massachusetts’ New Campus Sexual Assault Law: What Institutions Need to Know
Massachusetts higher education institutions face a new comprehensive statewide campus sexual assault law, which takes effect on August 1, 2021. This webinar is free for all levels of ATIXA Members, and provides a high-level overview of the requirements of the new law – explaining how it syncs with Title IX while also requiring additional policy and training for Massachusetts institutions.
All 20-Minutes-to…Trained On-Demand Modules:
All modules are included for Super Members. Those marked *are included for Institutional/District Members. Those marked ** are included for Individual Members.
Purchase modules by topic:
Addressing Trauma: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Advising the Reporting Party: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Advising the Responding Party: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Animals on Campus: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Appeals: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Applying Preponderance and Making a Finding: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Assessing Credibility Part 1: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Assessing Credibility Part 2: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
BIT and Title IX Intersections: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Bullying and Cyberbullying: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Conflicts of Interest: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Dealing with Report Investigation Requests: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Deliberations and Groupthink: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Documentation: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Due Process: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Interim Measures and Suspensions: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Intersection of Title VII and IX: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Informal Resolutions: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Pattern and Predation: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Preliminary Inquiry: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Questioning: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Role of the Investigator: 20-Minutes-to…Trained
Intimate Partner Violence: 20-Minutes-to…Trained *
Sexual Harassment: 20-Minutes-to…Trained *
Stalking: 20-Minutes-to…Trained *
Understanding Sexual Violence: 20-Minutes-to…Trained * &**
Self-Care for the Title IX Coordinator: 20-Minutes-to…Trained * & **
PLEASE NOTE: To access on-demand products included with membership, you must be logged in to your ATIXA account.