ATIXA with the New-York Historical Society Museum & Library, provide some firsthand historical perspectives on individualized experiences within Title IX.
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Brett A. Sokolow, J.D., President of ATIXA
Erin Buzuvis, J.D., Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Professor of Law, Western New England University School of Law & Advisory Board Emeritus, ATIXA
Leighia Fleming, M.A., Director of Student Equity & Title IX, Coast Community College District
Zakiya Brown, Ed.D., Chief Student Affairs Officer/Dean of Students, & Title IX Coordinator, Lincoln University of Missouri
Madison Bolotin, B.A. in Criminology & Psychology, Investigator, Dan Schorr, LLC
Eric Kidwell, M.L.S., Professor/Director of the Library; Title IX Coordinator, Huntingdon College
Kat McGee, J.D., Director of Title IX, ADA and Compliance Training, Ramapo College and Member of the Office of the Secretary of Higher Education’s (OSHE) Campus Sexual Assault Commission
Saundra K. Schuster, J.D., Co-Founder & Advisory Board, ATIXA
Dan Schorr, J.D., President, Dan Schorr, LLC
Mandy Hambleton, M.S., Director of Content Development, TNG
Shane Diamond, Human Rights Advocate, Media & Communications Specialist, and Proud Transgender Man
Alyssa-Rae McGinn, Vice President, Investigations, Dan Schorr, LLC
Joni Baker, Ph.D., Title IX Coordinator, Texas A&M University at San Antonio
Jenna Farrell, Investigator, Dan Schorr, LLC
Liz Trayner, Director of Equitable Rights & Responsibilities and Title IX Coordinator, University of the Pacific
Mr. Charles Webster, Director of Grants and Innovative Programming and Title IX Coordinator, Union City Public Schools interviews Anthony N. Dragona, Ed.D., School Business Administrator, Union City Public Schools
Melinda Manning, J.D., M.S.W., Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, & Sexual Harassment Educator & Board Member, North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Joseph Vincent, M.L.S., Senior Supervising Consultant, TNG & Advisory Board, ATIXA