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Title VI Training

Viewing conflict related to anti-Semitism and Islamophobia through a Title VI lens, including discipline, complaint processing, OCR complaint avoidance, and OCR complaint response. A review of recent OCR Title VI decisions can be provided. This training can also involve development of policies and procedures to ensure compliance. This training can be done as an overview to various groups, or as a deep-dive that is provided through a one-day or two-day ATIXA certification. If you are building a bias team, a Title VI team, implementing a campus climate task force, standing up a Title VI office, or adding a Title VI coordinator, the certification courses will ensure your administrators have professional and competent understandings of what Title VI is, how it differs from other civil rights laws, what are the industry standard compliance expectations, and what best practices can create an exemplary Title VI program.

Attendees will be able to:

  • Grasp how shared ancestry and ethnic characteristics are covered by Title VI’s protections against discrimination on the basis of national origin.
  • Understand the role and function of a Title VI coordinator or administrator, and the expectations for compliance that are reflected in OCR’s most recent enforcement actions.
  • How to ensure that we limit siloed responses, provide consistency to notice of discrimination, and respond effectively to remedy hostile environment allegations.

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