As chair of the firm’s Title IX Group, Ashling empowers universities and students to navigate Title IX successfully. She combines her legal experience with strong writing and interpersonal skills to work with institutions of all shapes and sizes, from small liberal arts colleges to large public universities across the United States. Ashling serves higher educational institutions in these roles:
Investigator: Ashling fairly and promptly responds to sex discrimination complaints, including sex-based harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, retaliation and inappropriate romantic relationships, by conducting thorough investigations and preparing investigative reports on behalf of institutions of higher education.
Advisor: Ashling serves as an advisor to students throughout the Title IX grievance procedures from pre-complaint, supportive measures, complaint, informal resolution, investigation, interviews, evidence, hearing and appeal.
Hearing Officer: Ashling serves as a hearing officer, carefully evaluating the evidence and listening to the testimony of the parties and witnesses before deciding responsibility. She also serves as a hearing officer for appeals.
Training Provider: Ashling provides training and resources to university employees and Boards of Trustees regarding policies and resources for preventing and responding to sex discrimination reports and complaints. Ashling is an advocate of restorative justice and includes this in her training.
Title IX Policy Reviewer: She reviews and revises university policies to ensure compliance with federal, state and local laws and regulations.
In addition, Ashling is an approved investigator by United Educators and is certified by the Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA) as an investigator and a hearing officer. She participated in a two-day training on Restorative Justice Conferencing by the International Institute for Restorative Practices.
Ashling also represents college and university students and faculty in the face of potential disciplinary proceedings brought by their institutions. Her understanding of the university system and its complexities enables her to help minimize potential damage to a client’s academic career. Ashling defends students in disciplinary proceedings for conduct violations, including allegations of alcohol and drug violations, hazing, and assault, as well as academic violations like plagiarism and cheating. She assists law and medical school students accused of professionalism violations. She strategizes with faculty who are accused of misconduct. She helps students obtain favorable outcomes following investigations and appearances before disciplinary committees.