What is a challenge you face doing Title IX work?
Time is the greatest challenge I face doing Title IX work, especially given the requirements for implementing the 2020 regulations, and despite the fact that my non-residential institution sees very few incidents of sexual misconduct. Title IX rests under one of the many hats I wear at my institution where I have responsibility for assuring compliance with all civil rights laws, as well as responsibility for facilitating my institution’s rule-making process and the development, review and communication of all college procedures, whether administrative or academic in nature.
What is an ATIXA resource or tool that has aided you?
ATIXA provides many valuable tools and resources, but I would have to say that the organization’s robust listserv for Title IX administrators has been of greatest value to me on a daily basis. Not only are the partners (especially Brett Sokolow) very responsive, but there is an advantage to learning about the variety of situations and questions that come up in different institutions across the country and the various perspectives of a dedicated group of professional Title IX administrators.
How has ATIXA helped you to be a better professional?
The training offered by ATIXA has provided me with the knowledge and confidence to address not only Title IX, but also other civil rights matters at my institution. The partners who deliver this training are undoubtedly the nation’s most knowledgeable legal experts in the field. I believe the opportunity to interact with them has strengthened my professional credibility.