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Surveying and Assessing Campus Climate

Colleges and universities want to create campus climates where every community member thrives. However, increased incidents and reports of discrimination and harassment can threaten a healthy and safe campus climate. This issue is further compounded by the prevailing trends in higher education, including declining enrollment, rising dropout and transfer rates, as well as protests, demonstrations, and strikes. Shifting campus culture takes time, strategy, and data-informed decision-making.

HR 2477, also called the “Consolidated Appropriations Act,” requires colleges and universities that receive federal funding to administer a campus climate survey biennially to assess issues related to dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and stalking. Many states have also passed laws requiring campus climate surveys as a condition for state funding.

While the Department of Education has yet to release a climate survey tool for compliance purposes, TNG is ready to assist with your campus climate surveying and assessment needs, related to Title IX and more generally. If your campus needs assistance with the development, execution, and analysis of a campus climate survey, TNG’s experts are here to meet your needs.

Learning Outcomes:

  • TNG’s climate surveying and assessment solutions will educate campus leadership on the culture of their campus climate based on common themes derived from the survey results.
  • TNG’s climate surveying and assessment solutions will encompass data-informed change management solutions and recommendations.
  • TNG’s climate surveying and assessment solutions will include a detailed written report that consists of a robust survey analysis and a plan for moving forward.

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