To publicly post ATIXA materials on your site:
- Click on the hyperlinked slides of your ATIXA training below.
- Once opened, download the PDF slides to your desktop.
- Upload onto your Title IX website to show the training provided by ATIXA.
- If you don’t have a website, you will have to make hard copies of these materials available for inspection. ATIXA will not be providing hardcopies of any items on this page.
Alternatively, you may link to this page; however, OCR may deem this insufficient. Training attendees are not authorized to publicly post ATIXA materials in any other way.
34 CFR Part 106.45(b)(10) requires all ATIXA training materials to be posted publicly. This site facilitates the centralization of hundreds of materials developed by and owned by ATIXA, which can be linked to by individual colleges and schools.
The materials posted to this site are proprietary and are copyrighted. Those copyrights are registered with the Library of Congress. The legal penalties for copyright infringement range from $200 to $150,000 for each work infringed, and the infringer pays for all attorneys’ fees and court costs.
Your right is a right of inspection and review of the materials on this site, only. No other right is granted beyond viewing. You are not authorized to copy, use, adapt, save, repost, share publicly, or alter any contents from this site. You are not permitted to use the materials on this site for training, or for any commercial purpose. Any such use will result in damages equivalent to the full-per-head registration costs to the applicable ATIXA training, plus damages for reputational harm to ATIXA, in addition to any copyright infringement fines and/or penalties.
Proceeding to use and access the content on this page demonstrates your acceptance and understanding of these terms and conditions. To contact ATIXA with questions about any of the contents of this site, please email
Title IX Regulatory & Posting Information
The Title IX Regulations, 34 CFR Part 106.45(b)(10), require all Recipients to post training slides used to satisfy the Title IX Regulations’ training requirements to your organization’s website. Here is some information you may want to have about such public website postings:
- Recipients are required to post the most recent Title IX team member training materials to their organization’s website by August 14, 2020.
- Only the most recent version of training materials is required to be posted, and websites should be updated each time a training is completed.
- You should maintain an internal archive of all historical Title IX team training materials for a period of seven years beginning August 14, 2020.
- Materials are posted from January 1, 2018, to the present and are regularly updated.
- Training materials are listed below by type of certification or training and by year, but not by location.
- ATIXA cannot guarantee that any materials on this site were seen by any particular trainee.
- ATIXA Certification refers to attendance at a qualifying event; ATIXA cannot speak to individual attendees’ knowledge, expertise, or command of the material. Each attendee is responsible for the learning outcomes of any training.
- There is nothing that would stop an individual from copying materials from this site and claiming they have attended training. As such, ATIXA makes no guarantees regarding representation or posting of its content with respect to any level of understanding, competence, comprehension, or even attendance.
- All post-August 14, 2020, ATIXA certification registrants should use this page to obtain their publicly posted training materials.
- Understand that any member of the public can access these materials, and some will be searching for evidence that members or attendees have received training that is biased or biasing. Although ATIXA materials are neutral, encourage impartiality (or multi-partiality), and a fair evaluation of all evidence, you should be careful about attending training from organizations that may be biased or that have political agendas. Also, be careful about some trauma-informed training organizations whose content is not well-grounded in empirical scientific research or data.
If you are a member of the public, your right is a right of inspection and review of the materials on this site, only. No other right is granted beyond viewing. You are not authorized to copy, use, adapt, save, repost, share publicly, or alter any contents from this site. You are not permitted to use the materials on this site for training, or for any commercial purpose.
If you have received training from ATIXA and need to post your training slides to comply with the Title IX regulations, you are granted the right to repost the slides on this site for completed training on your organization’s website for compliance purposes, only. ATIXA grants no other to use, copy, adapt, or alter any contents from this site. You are not permitted to use the materials on this site for external training, or for any commercial purpose. Any such use will result in damages equivalent to the full, per-head registration costs to the applicable ATIXA training, plus damages for reputational harm to ATIXA, in addition to any copyright infringement fines and/or penalties.
ATIXA’s public certification trainings are posted below, including the slides for all such trainings. The materials may not be dated or labeled with your specific training but are materially the same as the materials used and provided to you during your training. The order of some slides may change over time, as may slight variations to content, but the main substance is unchanged.
To publicly post ATIXA materials on your website:
- Click on the hyperlinked slides for your completed ATIXA training below.
- Once opened, download the PDF slides to your computer’s desktop.
- Upload onto your Title IX website to show the training provided by ATIXA.
- If you don’t have a website, you will have to make hard copies of these materials available for inspection. ATIXA will not be providing hard copies of any items on this page.
Alternatively, you may link to this page; however, OCR may deem this insufficient. Training attendees are not authorized to publicly post ATIXA materials in any other way.
All ATIXA Proprietary Training Materials Are Covered By The Following Limited License and Copyright
By purchasing, receiving, and/or using ATIXA materials, you agree to accept this limited license and become a licensee of proprietary and copyrighted ATIXA-owned materials. The licensee accepts all terms and conditions of this license and agrees to abide by all provisions. No other rights are provided, and all other rights are reserved. These materials are proprietary and are licensed to the licensee only, for their use. This license permits the licensee to use the materials personally and/or internally to the licensee’s organization for training purposes, only. If these materials are used to train Title IX personnel, they are subject to 34 CFR Part 106.45(b)(10), requiring all training materials to be publicly posted on a Recipient’s website. If you have lawfully obtained ATIXA materials by registering for an ATIXA training, you are licensed to use the materials provided for that training. Licensees may download and post a PDF version of training materials for their completed training to their organizational website to comply with federal regulations.
You are not authorized to copy or adapt these materials without explicit written permission from ATIXA. No one may remove this license language from any version of ATIXA materials. Licensees will receive a link to their materials from ATIXA. That link, or links to the materials on that page only, may be posted to the licensee’s website for purposes of permitting public access to the materials for review/inspection, only. Should any non-licensee post these materials to a public website, ATIXA will send a letter instructing the licensee to immediately remove the content from the public website upon penalty of copyright violation. These materials may not be used for any commercial purpose except by ATIXA.
Can you tell me which trainings I have done?
If you would like to request a transcript of the events that you have attended please send an email to with the subject line “My Transcript”. A copy of your transcript will be emailed to you automatically.
If you would like to request the transcript for someone else, please send an email to with the subject line the email address of the person who’s transcript you would like to request. Please allow up to 1 business day for these requests to be processed.
We used an item not listed to create our forms, policies, and procedures; how do I post this?
You don’t. These are not trainings, or training materials and therefore not expected to post them. You do not have permission from ATIXA to post these copyrighted materials.
Why do you only have 2018 items to present on this page?
ATIXA determined that materials older than that would not address current regulations-based training requirements. Certifications older than two-years are no longer in good standing with ATIXA.
How quickly do I need to post the training materials once I take a training?
The regulations do not specify, they only state that all trainings must be posted, however recently OCR Investigations have shown the need to post the training materials on your website or provide a hard copy when asked.
I want to post the actual video recording (where applicable), how do I do this?
The regulations did not specify that recordings be posted, only training materials. Thus, ATIXA has provided training materials, and does not grant permission for the posting of any recordings at this time.
Why are my specific training slides not posted?
ATIXA has posted generic slide sets for the most part, as a training content does not vary substantially from training to training.
I want to list every training I have ever taken with ATIXA, can you provide this to me?
Training materials are only required to be posted for the time period starting August 14, 2020 and forward. There is no requirement to post trainings taken prior to this date. However, as there are people within their 2-year ATIXA Certification time-period, we have provided everything from 2018 to present. Your event transcript on your My ATIXA page will provide a list of all trainings.
How do I know which materials to post for my Certification Course?
You can post the slides provided on your ATIXA Event Lobby that was provided to you at the time of training.
Certification Course Training Materials
Additional Training Materials
Webinar Training Materials
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Customized Training Materials
All customized training materials from 2018-Present are included below. If you believe your organization’s customized training should be listed but is not, please contact our Custom Events Team at